

Someone nicknamed me ‘Ogee.’ It was prescient.

In mathematics, Ogee means an inflection point: the point on a curve at which the curve changes from being concave to convex - or vice versa. Inflection points are points of change; and change – though often disruptive – can be a very good thing.

Several years ago, I reached an inflection point and changed my path. It brought me to new and interesting places.

I am passionate about the creation of content in whatever form that evokes emotion, raises awareness, builds and supports brands, moves organizations forward, and leads to meaningful change. I do a great deal of my own design and development - and collaborate with a network of talented individuals as the project requires.

In my toolbox: articles, newsletters, publications, blogs, websites, video, social media, and public relations; tools that communicate, influence, and inspire people to action or thought. Find just a few examples here.

Not only must we be good, but we must also be good for something.
— Henry David Thoreau